The Center offers various programs to enhance the lives of our seniors.
Foot Clinic
Foot Clinic is back: Beginning in September the fee for clinic appointments will be $40. The grant that had been paying for this service has ended. We are seeking other funding. Upcoming Foot Clinic Dates are:
Monday, September 9
Monday, September 16
We are scheduling appointments every half hour
Call the Center at 485-8112 to schedule.
Exercise Classes
Strong Living classes are offered on Monday, Wednesdays and now Fridays. Enhance your strength and balance using weights and other exercises. Class is at 8:30 - 9 A.M. every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
Painting Group
Come paint with fellow artists for an afternoon of creativity and painting fun at our drop-in Painting Group. Acrylic paint will be provided, and you are welcome to bring additional supplies. The class is for everyone. No need to call to save a slot for this class. When: Wednesdays at 1:00-3:30pm Come and enjoy the paintings our people have done. They are proudly displayed on the walls of the Center.
Weekly Sing-Along
Join our drop-in sing-along on Wednesdays from 9:30 to 10:30am. This is an unstructured walk down memory lane singing favorites from the 1940's through the 70's all sung to a guitar accompaniment.
FALLS ARE STILL AN ISSUE! TAKE HEED: Take these steps to help prevent accidental falls:
Talk to your health care provider about any past falls, even if they did not lead to an injury.
Review your medications and any side effects. Consider Vitamin D supplements.
Have your vision and hearing checked annually and update eyeglasses and hearing aids as needed.
Get moving! Try Tai Chi and other activities proven to improve balance and strength.
Assess your home environment. You can reduce your fall risk by removing trip hazards, improving lighting, installing handrails and grab bars, and taking extra care around pets that may be underfoot.